News flash America and China - Trade War

News Flash – Trade War Shakes Markets’

If Donald Trump completes his two terms as president, what will the political landscape look like in 7 years? In his first year alone he has caused loud, clumsy chaos, and more recently a potential trade war with China (which seems of his own accord since his cabinet continually tries to quash its potential). Will…

News Flash – Trade Wars, Face Plant, and Brexit Deal

A potential trade war was initiated between the two largest economies in the world. Donald Trump introduced $50billion of trade tariffs against China. So far China has retaliated with a measured response of $3billion in counter-tariffs, the EU and Britain are lining up their defences as well. It would seem that a great America under…

News flash Hope on the Horizon

News Flash – Hope is on the Horizon

As a South African, there is an awareness of the overwhelming task to establish economic stability but the thought is becoming possible again. It is satisfying to see the cogs start to turn after being dormant for some time – 27 renewable energy projects are being reinstated next week; the land expropriation debate is calling for good arguments and…

News flash The World Stage - cabinet reshuffle

News Flash – Cabinet Reshuffle Analysis and other Developments

This week, Ivor Sarakinsky (PhD) has written a contributing piece for our readers analysing Ramaphosa’s Cabinet reshuffle. There have been many other developments this week – Trump has suggested some level of gun control and has also proposed steel and aluminium import tariffs; the Brexit negotiations have developed in their stagnation; and Vladimir Putin has confirmed…

News flash Brexit, Budget, Brown,

News Flash – Brexit, Budget, Brown

We are in a time where so much is happening – reading through information on the SONA seems outdated, but it was only last week Friday that it was presented! Since then government has re-iterated that we cannot afford nuclear power, cutting the nuclear deal at the knees; VAT is increasing for the first time in 25…

News flash President Cyril Ramaphosa

News Flash – President Cyril is on the Job

President Cyril Ramaphosa delivered his first SONA speech on Friday. There is still a lot being finalised – the Gupta’s are on the run, Zuma’s future is uncertain, but, Ramaphosa has already suggested adjustments to the mining charter, encouraged international investment, and highlighted the need to reduce South Africa’s high unemployment rate.