News flash News Flash - Bull or Bear

News Flash – Bull or Bear

There is a possible culmination to the trade war this weekend as Trump and Xi Jinping, the President of China, are set to meet alongside the G20 summit in Buenos Aires. This comes on the back of dovish statements from the Fed which led the markets to discount fewer rates hikes for 2019.  These two…

News flash News Flash - Never-ending Brexit, Theresa May

News Flash – Never-ending Brexit

It seems as though an end to the Brexit conundrum maybe in sight. Although this has come with a fair amount of feather ruffling this week, it is only the beginning. This proposed deal is just the tip of the iceberg of further negotiations that will have to be meditated in the future. The question…

News flash News Flash - More Trump-centric news – Sorry everyone

News Flash – More Trump-centric news – Sorry everyone

This week saw the results of the much anticipated midterm elections. The Democrats took the House and the Republicans maintained control of the Senate. This could initiate a lot of friction within American politics and could signal the end to the smoothest period of Donald Trump’s Presidency. As always, the President is handling this blow with dignity…

News flash News Flash - Tumultuous Politics

News Flash – Tumultuous Politics

With the end of the year fast approaching, a lot has been happening in politics. Angela Merkel announced that she would not be running for re-election of the Christian Democratic Union of Germany Party (CDU); US Midterms and the implications of which are on our doorstep; the end to Brexit seems to be approaching; Global…